Methandienone 10mg/tab

DIANABOL 10 by Cobra Medica

Methandienone 10 is a 17 – alkylated oral steroid that exerts its effects through the androgen
receptor. Methandienone acts on the androgen receptor which results in increased protein
synthesis and nitrogen retention within muscle cells resulting in dramatic increases in
strength and muscle mass.

To rapidly restore muscle tissue atrophied during recovery from a traumatic injury. To offset
muscle catabolism in patients with a wasting syndrome. To treat certain types of anemia
which are non-responsive to first line agents.

Male: Gynecomastia, excessive frequency and duration of penile erections, oligospermia.
Skin and Appendages: Hirsutism, male pattern baldness and acne, gynecomastia.
Fluid/electrolyte Disturbances: Retention of sodium, chloride, water, potassium, calcium, and inorganic phosphates.
Gastrointestinal: Nausea, cholestatic jaundice, alterations in liver function tests; rarely, hepatocellular neoplasms, peliosis hepatis, hepatic adenomas, and
cholestatic hepatitis.
Hematologic: Suppression of clotting factors II, V, VII, & X: bleeding in patients on anti- coagulant therapy.
Nervous System: Increased or decreased libido, headache, anxiety, depression, and generalized paresthesia.
Other: Serum lipid changes, hypercalcaemia, hypertension, oedema, priapism, and potentiation of sleep apnea.

Not indicated for women, children, or the elderly. Patients with diagnosed or suspected male
breast carcinoma or carcinoma of the prostate. Patients with diagnosed or suspected female
breast carcinoma with hypercalcemia as androgenic agents may increase osteolytic bone
resorption. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant because of possible
masculinization of the fetus. Patients with nephrosis or the nephrotic phase of nephritis.
Patients with hypercalcemia. Patients with pre-existing cardiac, renal, and/or hepatic
disease. This product is hepatotoxic and requires Hepatic Monitoring. Discontinue if
jaundicing presents.

Adult males: 10 – 30mg taken orally per day in divided doses for a duration of 3 to 6 weeks.

Methandienone 10 mg uncoated tablets: 100 tablets in blister

Store in a cool dry place between 15 – 25°C, Protect from beau light.